grow on twitter

How To Grow On Twitter: 7 Proven Methods To Get To 10K

by Stephen Wealthy
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Grow on Twitter

Grow on Twitter and increase your social media reach is something we should all aspire to do.  Your network is your net worth and anyone who tells you otherwise doesn’t know how powerful social media is.  

As you increase your reach you increase your online money making potential. 

With where the world is trending on technology, crypto, and now the metaverse, having an online presence is essential.

I started using Twitter in September 2020 and grew to 1,000 followers by February 2021.  By August, it had grown to 2,323.  I remember being on a family camping trip in August, looking at my phone, and thinking I have double Jordan followers. 

Now, as of writing this on December 8th, I’ve grown to 10,183
grow on twitter

Think I’m just cherry picking the data point? Here is the growth from 5K

grow on twitter
grow on twitter
grow on twitter

Social Blade is a powerful tool for tracking your daily followers:

grow on twitter

Okay, enough flexing, let me show you now the 8 methods I used to get here.  They are incredibly simple, but extremely effective.

Method 1: Consistency

I have practiced this since day 1 and it’s the foundation on which you will grow on Twitter.  So, while I’ve done it from the beginning, I have never given up.  I am on Twitter every day.

People follow people who are active, posting, commenting, and liking tweets.

The Twitter algorithm also favors activity (why would it not), so showing up each day and being active is the first key to grow on Twitter.

Method 2: Notify and Comment

Next method to grow on twitter is to notify and comment.  I put notifications on big accounts that I identify with on brand or messaging.

When they comment through the day, I will jump on quick and put a comment on their tweet.  As they are a big account, the likelihood of the tweet getting more comments, retweeted, and my comment getting exposure, is much higher.  As their tweet rises and gains impressions, my comment gets eyes too and this acts like free advertising for my account.

Being the first to comment increases the amount of exposure I’m going to get on these popular tweets.

Method 3: Clean Profile Page

A simple clean, quick profile banner and page is most effective.  Here is mine:

grow on twitter - profile picture

As people see your activity on Twitter, they will be curious and click on your profile.  I want a simple, clean and quick profile page that tells you the following:

  • Who I am and what I look like (yes, that is actually me!)
  • How I can help you
  • Why I am qualified to help and deliver this value for you
  • Where you can go to find more information

Then I make sure my messaging, tweets, and everything I do is on brand with this profile.

I think by now you’re starting to see a common thread of how things are tying together.

Method 4: Simplify and Send

One of the most important lessons to learn so you can grow on Twitter, is to simplify your message.  Other accounts will call this “tightening the tweet” and it’s incredibly effective.

Nobody wants to read a whole ton of text or spend mental calories.

Every tweet I send, I try to communicate just one thought instead of a topic; my profile is the topic.  My tweets are just ideas aligned back to the topic.

Less words are always better, sounds more confident, and increases the likelihood that the reader will read the tweet. Long and wordy will scrolled and get less likes.

So, before you send your next tweet, see if you could reduce the length of text and communicate one idea with more confidence.

It’s more effective

Here’s an example:


“I am too busy working to learn how to invest”

But if you never learn to invest, you will never have the ability to stop working…

Investing is simple, takes less than 10 minutes to setup & automatically your money can start making you money.


“I am too busy working to learn investing…”


Investing is simple and easily automated in 10 minutes.

Get money working so you can stop this insanity!

See the subtle difference?  Same message, less words, more confidence, higher chance of a like or RT.

Method 5: Dashbird and Measure

One thing new accounts don’t learn until it’s too late, is to grow on Twitter you need apps to monitor your effectiveness and see how you’re performing.

Dashbird is an app I use each day to show me the following:

  • How many new followers each day
  • How many stopped following me that day
  • How many people I follow are now inactive (I unfollow inactive accounts)
  • How many people have blocked me

The last point is for security reasons.

I want to see who has blocked me for one reason only: If someone impersonates your account, they will inevitably block you so you can’t see them. 

This app notifies me and helps me find fake accounts.  You would be surprised how often this happens!

Dashbird is free and available for download on your phone.

Method 6: Zlappo and Schedule

In addition to Dashbird, I also make heavy use of Zlappo.  This application is critical for helping me schedule my tweets through the day at the best times.  Another excellent feature is it will retweet your best tweets for you and ensure you are always sharing something every 2-3 hours through the day.

I like to think of Zlappo as my personal secretary helping to manage my twitter feed and make sure we’re always active and sharing content!

On top of this, it lets me fill a queue of tweets that are instantly scheduled at the best times.  This lets me think more about content and what I want to say instead of optimizing timing or schedule.  I just think, write, and Zlappo organizes the timing for me.

Go check out Zlappo

It’s only $9.99 a month after your 7 day trial.

Method 7: Masterclass 24/7

One of the best ways to grow on Twitter is to join a group of other successful Twitter accounts and work together.  One of the best groups is Masterclass 24/7.

We share successful tweets, comment on each other’s tweets, and work to better the content we provide.  Receiving honest feedback on a tweet that failed, or learning how to write better, is critical to long term growth on Twitter.  I kid you not, some of the best accounts are in here sharing how they do it, and helping smaller accounts grow fast.

I want to emphasize one point made above.  You get to see firsthand the tweets that were successful for that day.  Overtime, you start to see a pattern across viral tweets that resonate with audiences.  This is incredible intelligence or data so you can craft your content better. Mimic what they do!

Seeing success, and being around success, makes you naturally gravitate towards it and lifts your Twitter game. 

You grow on twitter!

On top of seeing successful tweets and getting feedback, the team behind this service will also help improve your profile banner, teach you how to write threads, share engaging media, and overall become a better account.

The cost is only $25 a month, but the value you get back is far greater.  I can’t recommend this group enough.


Growing your account on Twitter is simple but requires consistent effort day in day out.  Add a good monitoring app, scheduling app, and assistance from accounts that have done it before, and you’re guaranteed to be successful.

As always, follow me on Twitter: @StephenWealthy_ and DM me your ideas that have worked for you!

I would love to hear them!

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