Passive Income

Passive Income Money: How I Earn $7,963 Doing Nothing

by Stephen Wealthy

Passive Income

Passive income is money you earn from little to no active work or involvement.  While it sounds too good to be true, it is very possible to earn good money while not doing much.  You just need the right mix of assets. 

Let me show you how I generated nearly $8,000 USD over the past 30 days with little to no active work.  I couple this with my active income and buy even more assets and the cycle continues and builds.

After I show you the income, I’ll provide a little commentary on each income source and then refer you to 3 trusted colleagues I reach to for further ideas when seeking guidance on building more passive income streams.

Passive income revealed

First context is important

Please do not compare your current passive income with mine.  I’m 43 and I’ve been building this up since 2003.  Also keep in mind I’m Canadian so the money you see is mostly paid to me in Canadian funds, but I’ve converted it to USD as I know most of my readers are American.

Also keep in mind the following assumptions

  • All before taxes are paid
  • All before expenses are paid
  • Only leverage is on the rental

Time Period: Last 30 Days

passive income

Commentary on each source

Dividends – $1,554

Easily the best form of passive income.  Lands in the account and its ready to be reinvested.  I don’t have to do a thing to receive this income.  The only problem is the capital requirements.  What I mean is because I’m invested in broad based market ETFs, I’m only getting ~2.0% annual yields here, so it takes a lot of capital to get this $1554.  

Additionally, the dividend this quarter was lower than I expected.  This is in part because my international ETF’s pay semi-annual, so my total June and December payments are larger while my March and September total dividends are lower.

As I’m getting closer to locking in financial freedom and retiring from my full-time job, I am considering moving to more dividend focused ETFs to generate more income. 

Rental Income – $1,170

My rental property brought in $1445 CAD for the month.  This of course is the top number before expenses and interest.  So yes, the positive cashflow is less.  It comes in around $675 after paying these.

Ethereum Mining – $3,468

Surprise! Yes, I mine the cryptocurrency Ethereum.  I got into this during Q3 2020 and I have 36 GPU’s generating a hashrate of 1970MH.  I was extremely fortunate to buy most of these before the recent run up in prices, however I did buy some in Q1 2021 at the super expensive prices for scarce Nvidia RTX 3070’s and 3080’s.  

I won’t put any more capital into this project because Ethereum is going proof of stake.  While I will mine other coins after, I want to wait and see how this plays out.

Here is what my set up looks like

passive income miners

Image Caption: 6 Mining Rigs with 36 GPUs.  Most of the GPUs are AMD 5700XTs.

Image Caption: Only miners will know what I’m showing here.  But this is the Hive OS operating system dashboard.  The mining rigs can be operated from a phone or laptop. 

Image Caption: Payouts are made once my miners have made 0.100 ETH. These are my last 6 deposits.  They happen automatically and are deposited into my ETH wallet.

If you have further questions, please reach me on Twitter. I’m happy to share additional details.

Ethereum Validating $629

I also run and operate an Ethereum validator.  I have a detailed blog post of what this looks like and how you could set one up as well.
In short, I have another computer in the mining room that validates transaction blocks for the Ethereum network. The capital outlay was 32 ETH, but if you read my blog post above, I explain how I obtained it and set it all up.
If you decide to set one up, contact me so I can step you through a couple important steps.

Affiliate Links – $50

Many wonder how much I make off this website and my Twitter account and the truth of it is I make very little – $50 over the last 30 days.  Sure, it would be nice to monetize the site more and get more passive income this way, but I’m in this for the long game and building up what could be something powerful.  It still needs more time before I can monetize it.
While it is a lot of work, I enjoy it tremendously and I love meeting and connecting with you online.

Covered Calls – $1,090

I sell covered calls to generate additional income.  I sell these out of the money and try to capture and monetize the time decay as much as possible.  I don’t talk about these on my twitter feed, or here on the blog, because in my mind they are an advanced trade and not for beginner investors. 

However, they pay out very nicely.  If there is enough interest from my readers, I will share in detail how I construct and carry out these transactions or have someone on who is an expert at them.

Quick Description

In short, for capping and limiting your upside, while assuming full downside risk, the buyer of the stock option pays you cash up front.   They are sold with a future date in mind and if the stock is above or below that strike price then you either sell your shares below market value or keep them. In most cases, because I’m selling out of the money, these options expire worthless, and I pocket the entire sum.  

Personally, I love the premium income these generate.

If all of that sounded like a bunch of market jargon, then you know why I don’t talk about them more! The takeaway is there is a method to make money on shares of stock and ETF’s you already own in addition to the dividends they pay.

$7,963 is Great, But I Have a Problem

My biggest problem is the Ethereum mining will get shut off in the coming year.  This will happen when they move to proof of stake and so I need to find a way to replace this income!

My current plans are to get another rental property, increase my exposure to dividend paying stocks, start a YouTube channel, and continue selling call options on the stocks I own.

To learn more about these strategies I follow some trusted and terrific guys in Twitter and learn from them daily.  I would like to introduce you to them.

The Alphas of Passive Income

These are the three Twitter accounts I follow close when I want to learn more about passive income.  Each generate their passive income differently, so I get different ideas from each. 

Not only are they Kings in their respective domains, but they also show you how they do it.  This makes it easy for me to follow and better solve my passive income problem outlined above.

I value their level of disclosure.  They share in detail what they do and how they make their money.  This helps others see what is possible and just how things get executed.  

I highly recommend you follow them on Twitter and begin interacting with all three.

(Click their banner to go directly to their Twitter profile page)

The Defensive Investor – @TD_Investor

TD has taken an initial deposit of just $50 back in 2018 and built a stock portfolio now worth over $600K.  In just three years!! It now generates $20K in annual dividends plus additional passive income through covered calls.  He shares his wealth building experience in detail, and I appreciate his transparency.  He also shares his losses along with his wins which is exceedingly rare on social media.  This makes him credible and I love following along.

Uncommon Yield – @UncommonYield

His name says it all – Uncommon finds the most unique ways to generate passive income and optimize financial systems.  He shares his monthly income generated from passive sources and outlines how he gets them.  What I appreciate is he writes incredible threads and posts on how to execute the systems yourself so you can do them too.

Your Friend Andy – @OhHaiAndy

If there is a nicer guy online, I haven’t met him yet.  Andy is an incredible entrepreneur, millionaire, and passive income genius.  Andy has 13 income streams and makes $22k a month off them.  He specializes in YouTube channel creation and teaches classes on how to do it.  If you’re interested in learning his methods, you need to start following him on Twitter very closely!

Passive Income is Powerful

Building passive income is incredibly empowering.  On top of this, it is an effective method to build wealth and cover emergency expenses.  When mixed with a monthly budget, you can easily measure how close you are to achieving financial freedom.  

Once your passive income passes your monthly expenses you have achieved financial freedom.  You can retire when you want!

If I had to start over

One question you might be having is what I would do if I were starting over, or how you could get started.  It’s a particularly good question.  It’s also difficult to answer because we all have different situations, opportunities and the next 10 years will be different from the last decade.
Also, keep in mind, that how I see investing could be quite different than you.  I’ve learned over the past year with interacting with so many through social media that I have a remarkably high tolerance for risk.  So please keep this all in mind when you read the following.

Starting over from age 25

Step 1: Get real estate.  I don’t care how you do this.  House hack if you must but get into a home and rent a portion of it out.  Better yet, get a duplex for fourplex and live in one of the units.  
Step 2: Begin stocks and ETF with a focus for growth.  When you’re young you want maximum growth potential, and you want to harness this as much as possible. We need a future capital base to put into dividend paying stocks or sell covered calls against. However, at the start, focus on growth.
Step 3: Get Bitcoin and Ethereum into your portfolio ASAP.  Maybe do this in parallel with saving for the house in step 1.  These two assets will revolutionize both money and the financial system.  Read “The Bitcoin Standard” by Saifedean Ammous.  Easily found and bought on Amazon.  It helps explain why Bitcoin is so incredible.
Step 4: Once you start crossing some major milestones like $100k or $500k in your investment account start buying some dividend paying stocks or ETF’s and trying your hand at some covered calls.  The experience you learn by doing both will be valuable later.  Did you know you can also buy covered call ETFs and they do the work for you?  Just know the fees are a little higher.
Overall: Follow and consult with a mentor you trust that has exactly what you want.  They can help guide and direct you through the start, but more importantly, through the tough times of volatility that are sure to come.  


I hope this has been valuable for you and given you some ideas of what is possible and how I earn passive income.  If you want to reach me, or ask my any questions please do so on Twitter!

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Jeff Grieshop October 23, 2021 - 10:37 AM


LadyFIRE October 23, 2021 - 2:15 PM

Hi Stephen, that’s some impressive passive income!

Thanks for sharing.

Can I check on the ethereum validator:
32 ETH cost around 130K right now, you are generating roughly $600 a month from validations, so that would work out to 5-6% return per year? I understand that if the price of ETH goes up, so will your return on the initial investment, is that correct?

I’m currently investigating how to get into crypto a little more actively and I read your validator post as well. Sounds very interesting! But 130K is a large investment… I know you got it at a cheaper buy-in, so good for you for getting in early!

Stephen Wealthy October 24, 2021 - 10:06 AM

Yes, its currently generating at 6.4% which for many won’t be a good return but you’re right I got in at a lower price. I’m looking at $SOL now, and I can stake that at a much higher rate (9.9%) and the project has terrific potential too. Yes, at $130K it is a large capital outlay and real estate might be a better decision.

Froogal Stoodent October 23, 2021 - 2:19 PM

Cool view into how you generate passive income!

I’d note that the options aren’t strictly passive (though they’re not really a whole lot of work either!), unless you go with one of the ETFs you mentioned. Looks like a common expense ratio is 0.60%–I was expecting the expenses to be higher than that. Source:

Still, I just go with low-fee index funds; VTSAX has an expense ratio of 0.04% and yields dividends; those who prefer real estate could go with VGSLX and get higher dividends with an expense ratio of 0.12%. Both are much, much cheaper than even the cheapest covered-call ETF. Similarly, FSGGX is 0.055% and includes stocks from all over the world (excluding the U.S.)

In the end, I suppose it’s really a style-preference. There’s no reason an investor can’t use both tools!

Overall, this post is a valuable resource. Kudos for sharing, and for generating passive income!

Mr. Dreamer October 23, 2021 - 7:33 PM

So cool to see these numbers. I never knew you trade options. That’s a really nice stream of income.

Looking forward to your YouTube channel. I know Andy is motivating all of us to get this going

Good luck with the mining replacements.

Owning a website is better than owning real estate. I’ll prove it. October 26, 2021 - 4:31 PM

[…] So when I planned my early retirement withdrawal strategy, it was becoming very clear that a big part of the plan was to start to build up passive income. […]

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